Email Campaigns
Email @ 50: Email Development
By:Nick Stewart on 8/6/2021
Email development has always been the bane of a web developer's existence. You have to use outdated methods and don't have access to the full modern web to create a nice looking email that thousands of people will see. It's like asking a Nascar mechanic to create a car using only tools from the 90s - it can be done but its more than a pain.
Read More »Email @ 50: The Art of Email Design
By:Morgan Plappert on 8/6/2021
I remember when I first started out as a designer (professionally), having to play Photoshop Tetris with cut up image blocks to piece together a full email layout. As a UX designer, we are taught that nothing is more important than usability and utility … and let’s just say, nothing puts those things to the test quite like Photoshop Tetris. Thankfully we have more sensible solutions now, but email design still comes with its added constraints and limitations. Luckily, I’ve had enough time and practice to be able to share a bit of knowledge, tips & tricks with you fine folks. So, let’s cut it up.
Read More »Email @ 50: Email Marketing Still Works... Half a Century Later
By: Nick Wunderlin on 4/20/2021
Ever since the first email was sent in 1971, marketers have been leveraging the platform for advertising purposes. Let's explore what makes this channel so effective.
Read More »Email @ 50 Series: A Brief History
By: Nick Wunderlin on 4/19/2021
Welcome to the “Email @ 50” blog series! Within this series, we will reflect on the past and predict the future of a form of communication that has shaped our personal and professional lives over the past 50 years.
Read More »Fixing Two Basic Email Quirks
By:Nick Stewart on 3/29/2017
Working with emails is like traveling back in time - here are a few tips to help you develop emails for older mail clients.
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