Websites are the cornerstone of marketing in this day and age. Your website is the place where you have ultimate freedom to express your brand and interact with your audience and customers how you’d like. Using agile, user-focused strategies and design, we build highly accessible, highly useful websites that meet your goals.

Websites: Blog Posts

Component-Based Web Design
Component-Based Web Design

By: Morgan Plappert

Designers and developers are always looking for ways to make handoff easier, collaboration more seamless and our processes better aligned. Automation, consistency and efficiency, without compromising creativity. It’s a constant battle and often times, a balancing act.

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Using React and Redux to build the Kentucky Performing Arts ticketing experience
Using React and Redux to build the Kentucky Performing Arts ticketing experience

By: Mark Biek

When planning the KPA ticketing app, the first big decision was deciding which technology stack to use _______ Given the complex and highly-interactive design, we needed something that was going to be developer-friendly while letting us build an application that was highly responsive to user interactions. Nothing’s more frustrating than a slow user interface! VIA has mostly standardized on ReactJS for smaller interactive user experiences as well as single-page web applications so it seemed like a great fit, even though the ticketing app is just a small (but critical!) piece of a much larger site.

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