Step Up for Kids Branding
Emilee Dover
on 11/6/2012

In our continuing partnership with Kentucky Youth Advocates, we decided to donate some branding design work to their event, the Step Up for Kids Conference. This event provides education and information to a variety of audiences from lawmakers to business owners about the ways they can help children in Kentucky grow up safe, healthy and ready to succeed.
The event was held last month and consisted of three main pieces: Step Up For Kids conference, a rally in Danville, and “Stepping Out for Kids: An Evening with the Arts”. We decided to experiment with graphic elements and a color palette that would allow for each of these sub-events to be represented independently, yet cohesively. In addition to providing a separate logo for each event, we also provided assets for use across various mediums– from Powerpoint/Keynote templates to print collateral to social media graphics.
Congratulations to Kentucky Youth Advocates on a wonderful event! We are currently redesigning the website for KYA, so stay tuned for more updates!

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