Mike Monteiro - May 16 & 17 at VIA Studio
VIA Studio is proud to host two events in May featuring renowned design heavyweight Mike Monteiro!

Mike is the co-founder and design director of Mule Design. He prefers that designers have strong spines. Mike writes and speaks frequently about the craft, ethics, and business of design.
He loves design so much he wrote two books on the topic, Design is a Job and You’re My Favorite Client. He loves society so much he’s working on a book on how to protect it from designers. It’ll be out mid-year.
We encourage you to sign up and attend his events. I highly doubt you’ll be disappointed.
May 16: Let’s Destroy Silicon Valley
For the past couple of decades, the tech companies of Silicon Valley (and beyond) have run unchecked, causing havoc, destroying civil discourse, democracy, ruining personal relationships, running marketplaces of harassment and abuse, all to line their pockets. The very worst part is that they did it with our labor.
This isn’t a talk, this is a union meeting.
Profits from this evening’s event will be donated to KY Refugee Ministries.
May 17: Presenting Work With Confidence
Of course you have good ideas. But it takes more than a good idea to command attention. You need to package your message and project confidence. Mike Monteiro will show you how.
The ability to turn a list of recommendations into a compelling story is the most critical skill that rarely gets taughtâand never across disciplines. Designers learn to speak to designers, engineers to engineers, business leaders to each other, etc.
During this all-day workshop, we’ll cover effective presentation techniques including:
- Confronting the terror of standing up in front of people
- Taking charge of any room
- Turning information and recommendations of any type into a good story for any audience
- Mapping your work to shared goals and objectives
- Asking for the right kind of feedback, and avoiding opening yourself up to stuff you don’t need
In a single day, Mike Monteiro will turn you into the most confident and prepared version of yourself you can imagine
Watch the most popular Creative Mornings talk of all time by Mike, “Fuck You Pay Me”
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