Celebrating the Best of Louisville
Emilee Dover
on 4/15/2014
In our office, we always make it a priority to be in the know about goings-on in our city. Whether it’s a rumored roadside attraction or a new hole-in-the-wall Mexican joint, we are ready to explore. Our excitement about our city, and all of the things this community brings to the table every day, has become part of our company culture.
When the MS Society decided to make some changes from the inside out to their Best of Louisville Bash event, VIA Studio was ready to help with open arms and gleeful faces. Best of Louisville is put on by the partnership of Louisville Magazine and the National MS Society – Kentucky Southeast Indiana Chapter to benefit the Society. It was the inspiration of this founding partnership that served as the seed to our big idea.

Where do we begin? With a brainstorm session between myself and Creative Director, Jason Clark, that consisted of a walk through Butchertown with beers at Against the Grain– our typical process. In our conversation, we really felt like the most special part of Louisville was the people that make Louisville the city that it is. It is this mix of the historically minded benefactors married with the eclectic game-changers.
The existence of these two types of people, the existence of this partnership, is what sparks a fire in our city.

That is what we should be celebrating! This passing of excitement and energy from person to person, this beauty of seamlessly merging for the common good (or the “Common Wealth”!)…
Initial Logo Concepts

Final Logo

After our logo process was ironed out, we got to work on this concept artwork right away. We were able to accomplish the idea of energy and partnership all in detailed, but simply styled, artwork illustrated by our own Pat Sheehan. This idea continues to evolve into social media strategy and guerrilla advertising opportunities. Be on the lookout around Louisville for the new presence of the fresh Best of Louisville!

At VIA, our main measure of success is a great partnership with our client where we hit our creative brief’s goals. Read more about that success with this project in our case study. In addition we also came home with a few awards, including AIGA Louisville’s Judges Choice award!
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