NuLu Bock Fest 2016!
Pat Sheehan
on 4/5/2016
Nanny goats, billy goats, kid goats, crowds of people on a beautiful sunny day and beer. Welcome to the revival of the bock beer celebration in Louisville – Bock Fest.

Bock beer celebrations have been an annual event in our city as far back as 1858. A few pitfalls like prohibition and perhaps inebriated forgetfulness slowed the festivities down, until eventually, they came to a complete stop. Then one day in March 2016 our NULU community decided that it was time to revive the tradition and start celebrating again. Goat racing on Clay Street between Nanny Goat and Billy Goat Strut? What’s not to love?

VIA Studio jumped on the opportunity to become a sponsor. I mean why wouldn’t we? Beer, goats, more beer, Ben’s masterful grilling, beer. And we’d need a name. Not just any name. A name of a winner. A name America can get behind! Haulin’ Goats, perfect! Oh, and Swag! Gotta’ have swag. Banners, pennants, bandanas, buttons and a poster. Boy o’ boy is this goat gonna’ win or what?

So as far as we know our goat is still standing in the middle of Clay Street waiting for whatever the hell goats wait for. No we didn’t win (shh, don’t tell anyone), but like little leaguers we all got juice boxes after the game. Adult Juice boxes. Haulin’ Goats is a name that will never be forgotten in Louisville history and our swag was sought after by the most discerning spectators. Well, one lady wanted to arm wrestle Ben for a poster.
It was a bock fest blast to be sure and a success that we were proud to be a part of. Enjoy a look at our silliness and folks having fun while we dream of glories and goat races yet to be won… Until next year, “Watch out here we come.”

Our gig poster for the party.
Can you tell we’re kinda excited about this goat race? #HaulinGoats #NuLuBockFest #GoatRace #ShesATrashEater #BockBeer
Posted by VIA Studio on Wednesday, March 23, 2016
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