
We're speaking at WordCamp Chicago


Jason Clark
Jason Clark

on 7/6/2011

The VIA Studio team prides itself on being masters of WordPress, the web’s number one blogging Content Management platform. We challenge ourselves on each project, and have grown to expert level over the last few years. We’re always striving for new knowledge as well, and each member of our team attends national conferences to expand our skill set.

VIA Studio, represented by Jason McCreary, will be speaking at WordCamp Chicago on Configuring WordPress on Multiple Environments. Here’s the synopsis:

WordPress boasts a “5 minute install”. This is great for simple sites running only in a production environment. But if you’re using WordPress as a development platform or following a software life cycle things become a little tricky. This talk will cover ways to migrate WordPress between different environments smoothly, including: code, database, and environment specific checks. Although some aspects of the talk may be advanced, there will be demos, code samples, and time for Q&A. So if you use WordPress in more than just production, this talk’s for you.

WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress, the free and open source personal publishing software that powers over 25 million sites on the web.

The open source ethos of WordPress and other projects encourage it’s community to give back. We’re happy that our company is able to do so through our blog, shared plugins, and speaking at conferences and seminars.

See you in Chicago!

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