
Recommended | Industry Podcasts & Audiobooks


Jason Clark
Jason Clark

on 1/22/2019

Welcome to our newest quarterly blog:

Recommendations for Industry Podcasts and Audiobooks

VIA Studio is full of folks who love podcasts and audiobooks, especially industry-related ones. So, we thought we’d share the love! Everyone can always use a little bit of knowledge, inspiration, and motivation in this ever-expanding, ever-changing field. We’ve comprised a small list of some audio gold a few of us have been listening to in hopes of your enjoyment.



99% Invisible: Gold standard of the rationale that goes into design problem solving. Design & Architecture are discussed along with a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges and limitations taken into account to make a concept a reality.

The Observatory: Micheal Beirut. Do ya really need anything else? No other professional designer/icon talks about design in such a relatable way.

RadioLab:The audio production on Radiolab is outstanding and really helps create an impact with the storytelling. It gives me a new perspective on a range of topics.

Audiobook:The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle: What is talent anyway? Repetition, practice, progress, and a little thing called myelin. What is Myelin? According to the dictionary: a mixture of proteins that form a sheath around many nerve fibers, increasing the speed at which impulses are conducted. Myelin is to the brain what muscles are to the body. Building quick response through struggle and consistency will train your brain. Fascinating dissection of talent and the factors that create top athletes, artists, and thinkers.


Audiobook: How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence

Pollan has always been on the cutting edge of food. The conversation of how what you eat affects yourself and the world around you. He’s expanded that concept into the chemicals you ingest and how that changes your inner world. Now that the hysteria of the 70’s is long-gone, there is a thriving culture of psychedelic therapy happening, both in academic research and underground settings. I’ve always been fascinated with inner and outer exploration, and this book should set a hopeful tone for the next generation of explorers.

Podcast: The Tim Ferriss Show

As a workaholic and small business owner, I purchased “The Four-Hour Workweek” years ago when it was published, hoping to gain insight into efficiencies and work/life balance. The book doesn’t solve all problems, but introduced me to Ferriss. Now he spends a good portion of his time on this podcast, which is a very long-form (sometimes 3 hours!) format, interviewing personalities from all walks of life. Design, business, research, etc… he always asks great questions and lets the guest lead the conversation where it may. In a world of sound bytes, this format digs deep. If you find you enjoy it, check out Joe Rogan as well!


Audiobook: High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way

This book is a must-listen if you are serious about your career (and life). Brendon Burchard breaks down years of research into 6 habits that create well-rounded, happy, high-performing people. This book is an easy listen with narration by the expressive Burchard, and provides you with prompts to put these practices into action!

Catch ya later!

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