Designing Weekend Wedding Warrior
Shawn Coots
on 4/21/2015
The first step in any successful design job is understanding the problem. That requires research, research, research, and of course, asking lots of questions. Before Maggie Heely ever walked through our doors for the first kick-off meeting, we combed through the entirety of Weekend Wedding Warrior’s online presence, uncovering the RIGHT questions to ask.
In person, Maggie painted a much clearer picture of what wedding coordination actually is, and how her business fits within the wedding industry. After an hour of chatting with her, our team knew exactly what made her company so special. We also learned we share a mutual love of Gilmore Girls, which instantly endeared her in our hearts.

The Old Logo
The problem we identified together was this – Weekend Wedding Warrior’s previous logo and website had become a bit dated and its message was unclear. Maggie didn’t feel it accurately represented her company and what it was truly capable of. The solution was translating our conversation into content for the web, so that potential customers would immediately know the value in hiring Weekend Wedding Warrior to coordinate their special day.
We began thinking about what a Wedding Warrior actually is. The story was certainly strong. I start small when designing something, finding the right mood through colors and shapes to accurately represent the brand at a quick glance.
In our initial style concepts, we cultivated the proper tone through neutral palettes and modern, sans-serif font choices. Weekend Wedding Warrior’s secret weapon is logistics – they operate with laser focus in scheduling and coordination of your wedding day, juggling a litany of tasks so that you don’t have to. The traditional script fonts and imagery typically associated with weddings didn’t represent the tight coordination that separates them from the more familiar wedding planning industry. We needed to draw a clear distinction that Weekend Wedding Warrior’s business model is different.
Updating the existing logo wasn’t initially on the table. During the second meeting, I began sketching an updated mark that we thought better represented WWW’s unique brand.

We played with the negative space of three W’s intersecting with each other to form a shield. Maggie liked the connotations the shield offered, a sense of protection to the wedding party. We wanted to remove the script fonts, making the mark form the shield itself. We were also inspired by another warrior’s logo that came to mind, namely, Wonder Woman’s.
We drafted a few iterations and concepts, then presented them to Maggie.

Eventually, she choose this mark, then presented it to the team.

We’re always amazed about what logos say to people – the stories they can tell. Where we see a logo that represents the careful planning and protection that symbolizes Weekend Wedding warrior, other viewers have drawn other ideas entirely. One such idea was the shape of a diamond engagement ring. Not what we had intended, but a happy accident nonetheless.
Now that Weekend Wedding Warrior has been released to the world, Maggie has received an abundance of positive feedback. We helped improve her image and brand with an updated design. We also restructured and revised her content, clearly explaining what wedding coordination is, and how it benefits prospective customers. We look forward to watching Maggie’s business grow to new and exciting heights.
So, if you’re in the midst of planning a wedding, check out Weekend Wedding Warrior’s website. You’ll thank me after your big day!
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