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Awards & Recognition


We love this industry. Thanks for letting us do good work.


AIGA Louisville

BEST OF BRANDING: Parks Alliance of LouisvilleGOLD: Decca Restaurant BrandingGOLD: VIA Studio Self Promotion

AAF Addy Awards

GOLD: Parks Alliance of Louisville BrandingGOLD: Decca Restaurant BrandingSILVER: Ben Sollee Branding


Creative Quarterly

VIA Studio RebrandEscher Grotesk: A Geometrically Impossible TypefaceStarch Maddness: A COVID-Friendly Approach to March Madness


Best Marketing Website: VIA StudioBest General Interest Website: VIA Studio Star Chart


AAF Addy Awards

GOLD + JUDGE'S CHOICE: Speling Bee PostersGOLD: VIA Studio Star ChartSILVER: Escher Grotesk FontSILVER: Revelry Boutique Gallery RebrandSILVER: Mr. Boston Photography

AIGA Louisville

NOTABLE: Dr. Marcum's NutraceuticalsFINALIST: Escher Grotesk FontFINALIST: Revelry RebrandFINALIST: Star Chart (Celestial Bodies of the Past Present & Future)FINALIST: VIA Rebrand


AAF Addy Awards

GOLD: The Curious Case of Benjamin ButtonSILVER: VIA Studio | Voila! CookbookSILVER: Wild Swann | Brand CampaignSILVER: FirstBuild | Forge Clear IceSILVER: Wilder Hotel | Illustrations

AIGA Louisville

Kentucky Performing Arts | BrandingFirstBuild Arden Indoor Smoker BrandingMarcus Paint Branding“Temple of Community” MuralThe Great VIA Speling Bee Branding

Horizon Interactive

GOLD: Kentucky Performing Arts (Websites - Entertainment Industry)GOLD: Kentucky Performing Arts (Websites - Responsive / Mobile Design)


AIGA Louisville

BEST IN SHOW: The Wilder Hotel BrandingAIGA Design Award: Wild Swann Branding



President’s Grand Award, Best OverallMarketing Campaign: RJ Thieneman “Home is Rock Springs”

AIGA Louisville

AIGA “Visionary” Award: Jason ClarkAIGA Design Award: Mayan Street Food Truck DesignAIGA Design Award: Voila! Cookbook

AAF Louie Awards

Judges’ Choice: Mr. Boston Bartender’s Guide, Consumer WebsiteCulturally Legit: KYRMGold: Waterfront Park Brand System


AIGA Louisville

Motion Design: “How to Make a Sazerac Cocktail” Video Branding: Waterfront Park Branding SystemIllustration: Waterfront Park Illustrations Illustration: “You’re Important to the Future”

AAF Louie Awards

Branding: Trees LouisvilleAd Campaign: WUOL Classical RadioIllustration: Computershare Skyline Murals


Various Shows

AIGA: “You’re Important to the Future”Horizon Interactive Gold: You’re Important to the Future (Integrated Campaign)KY Derby Festival: Pegasus Parade Grand Marshal’s Award | Best of Louisville Parade Float

AAF Louie Awards

Integrated Campaign: Best of Louisville Direct Marketing/Specialty: Violent Imaginary Animals | Year of the Unicorn Vinyl Non-Traditional Campaign: Violent Imaginary Animals | Year of the Unicorn Gift Integrated Campaign: Violent Imaginary Animals | Year of the Unicorn Illustration: Best of Louisville Illustration Illustration: Violent Imaginary Animals | Year of the Unicorn


AIGA Louisville Awards

Judges Choice: Best of LouisvilleViolent Imaginary Animals CampaignYear of the Unicorn CampaignVIA Studio Business CardsRidge Park Logo Concept

National MS Society

Hot Shot Award (VIA Studio)


Horizon Interactive

Gold: MilkWood Restaurant | Brand IdentitySilver: VIA Studio | 2014: Year of the UnicornSilver: VIA Studio | Gift Coaster SetSilver: VIA Studio | Process of InventionSilver: Collaborative for Teaching and Learning WebsiteBronze: Actors Theatre | Sleep Rock Thy BrainBronze: Lebowski Fest WebsiteBronze, Integrated Campaign: VIA Studio Year of the Unicorn

LGDA 100 Show

Graphic Design: VIA Studio Holiday Coasters

HBAL Sales & Marketing Council

Logo Design of the Year: Prestige Builders, Inc.Best Print Advertising – Newspaper: Rock SpringsBest Web Site – Realtor: RJ ThienemanBest Corporate Sales/Print Collateral: Louisville Realty Group


LGDA 100 Show

Interactive Design: The Forecastle Festival WebsiteBranding: New2Lou Logo/Brand Identity

Horizon Interactive Awards

Gold: New2Lou Branding CampaignGold: New2Lou Travel & Tourism WebsiteSilver: New2Lou Mobile Responsive DesignSilver: Spalding University School/UniversitySilver: Spalding University Mobile Responsive DesignBronze: Highland Baptist Church Mobile Responsive DesignBronze: Paducah Bank Finance Design


LGDA 100 Show

Mayan Cafe WebsiteFloyd Memorial Hospital WebsiteVIA Studio Business Cards


LGDA 100 Show

Actors Theatre Website


LGDA 100 Show

2 Awards in Interactive and Graphic Design


LGDA 100 Show

5 Awards Interactive and Graphic Design


LGDA 100 Show

Best of Show: Breakout Animation/Video

Recognition & Speaking Engagements


Creative Mornings Speaker (September): Jason Clark


2020: GLI “TechFirst” Visioning Committee, Jason Clark2020: Ecommerce Solutions for Small Business (Idaho SBDC / Kentucky SBDC), Nick Wunderlin & Jason Clark March 2020, 5th Annual PRSA’s PR Bootcamp: How to be a Digital Craftsman, Jason Clark 2020 AIGALou PRO Workshop Series :: PROductivity Workshop, Jason Clark


2019 AIGA Advisory Board Member, Jason Clark2019 Fund for the Arts, Imagine Greater Louisville 2020: Jason Clark, Steering Committee Member


2018 AIGA Louisville Design Week: “Wireframing with Soul and Purpose“, Ben Wilson & Morgan Plappert, speakers Destination:Excellence 2018: Marketing & Public Relations Class Day for the Center for Nonprofit Excellence (May 18, 2018)2018 Level Up Louisville Master Class: Branding & Marketing, Jason Clark, Speaker (October 9, 2018)October 2018 Connecting Things, Jason Clark, speaker Destination:Excellence 2018: Marketing & Public Relations Class Day for the Center for Nonprofit Excellence (May 18, 2018)